The First Hike of 2019 Was Lit

The night before a hike, I’m anxious. I worry if the weather will be just right. I worry if the wonderful women who come out will walk away feeling better than how they came in. But time and time again I’ve been blessed with perfect weather and good vibes. This has been the trend since the first retreat in 2018 and I feel like it’s the Universe telling me to stop worrying because it always turns out better than okay. Great, even.

What’s even more important to me: the ladies who come out always walk away energized and grateful.

That was the case yesterday when we all met up at Harriman State Park for our hike in honor of the Full Moon on January 20-21. We talked about spiritual baths, ancestral knowledge we picked up being around our families, God, the Universe, divine timing, being Latinx, the power of prayer, self-worth and being grateful for nature.

But even before we started our hike, I smudged everyone and asked them to take a deep breathe and let go of whatever was holding them back. And, most importantly, to thank themselves for coming out. Because you could have been sleeping. You could have been recovering from a late night out. You could have been anywhere else. But you decided to get up early and make time to take care of your needs and that in itself is so powerful.

Thank you for coming out and sharing space with me, ladies. You do more for me than you know.

Psst: Don’t miss out on the next hike: Sunday, February 17th. Location: TBD.