Grounding 101: An Introduction to the Practice of Earthing

What is it?

  • Grounding, also known as earthing, is the act of walking barefoot on the earth whether it's soil, dirt or sand.  

  • To be grounded, quite literally means to "be in your body".

  • A therapist might recommend doing the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 grounding technique meant to bring you back to the present moment by engaging the senses.

How does it work? When your feet touch the ground, your body picks up free ions from the Earth's surface that act as antioxidants in your system. Connecting to the Earth's natural electric charge helps offset the negative effects of electromagnetic fields. Some people may feel the effects of grounding immediately, while others may take several days or weeks of consistent grounding to notice any changes. 

When should I do it? 

  • Anytime you feel disconnected from your body, the latest studies suggest that just 30 minutes of grounding per day can make a significant difference.

  • However, even just 5 minutes of grounding can help. 

  • The ideal time to get grounded outside is in the morning when the sun regulates your circadian rhythm, and this is true for every season, even winter.

Why should I do it? The physical benefits are wild: reduced inflammation and stress, better sleep, pain relief, and improved blood flow and immune response. It can even calm the sympathetic nervous system and elevate moods. Studies also suggest that grounding may reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone, which can promote overall physical and emotional well-being. 

Where can I do it?

  • Natural surfaces like grass, sand, soil, or even concrete are the best places to ground.

  • Hugging a tree can also be beneficial! These surfaces allow for the transfer of electrons from the Earth to your body, which is essential for the grounding process.

  • Avoid surfaces like asphalt, wood, or plastic as they are poor conductors of the Earth's energy.

Where can I learn more? There’s a YouTube doc called Earthing that is a must see. Let's gather in Central Park for Earth Day and reclaim our ancestral practices, space in the outdoors, and connection with Mother Earth. Join us as we ground ourselves through earthing, followed by a meditation and energetic cleanse. Then, we will journal outside with intention and end with a sharing circle, leaving us feeling grounded and inspired.

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