2024 New and Full Moon Calendar (Winter Edition)

January’s New Moon in Capricorn is about getting organized and making changes to your routine, in other words, setting yourself up. So reflecting and planning, not necessarily acting on it just yet. It’s still winter afterall. Then ending the month with a Full Moon in Leo asking you to step out of your comfort zone so you can fully express yourself and make those tiny but impactful tweaks your routines and rituals need. 

Then in February, the New Moon in Aquarius is going to have you focusing on your most authentic self, which is great timing considering Valentine’s Day is just days away. Take the time to practice radical self-love or have a Galentine’s Day with your homegirls. The month will end with a Full Moon in Virgo asking you to get serious about self-care. A great time to assess how you’re using your time and energy, both valuable currencies. 

We start our March with a New Moon in Pisces, asking us to step into our magia. Meaning taking note of our inner knowing a.k.a. Our intuition. But also making time to perhaps analyze our dreams or exploring a creative outlet that we’ve felt called to. Then, right after the Spring Equinox, and now that we’ve taken the time to take inventory of our lives this winter, we’ll welcome the Full Moon in Libra asking us to tap into our social energy. Time to step out of hibernation, catch up with loved ones and make sure we take our lessons into the new season so we stay balanced and grounded this coming season.

We have an opportunity to use the moon energia to our advantage in every season. Work with winter and use this time to journal, be with yourself and see what’s been brewing underground. The leaves have fallen off but roots are still at work.

Winter 2024


January 11: New Moon in Capricorn

  • Vibra: emphasizes ambition, goal-setting, and getting organized

  • Prompt: what's taking up most of your mental space these days? Does that vibe with the bigger picture, or should you consider mixing things up a bit?

January 25: Full Moon in Leo a.k.a Wolf Moon

  • Vibra: encourages self-expression, creativity, and willing to make necessary changes to your habits and routine

  • Journal Prompt: How can you channel the bold and expressive energy of Leo to tweak your habits and routines?


February 9: New Moon in Aquarius

  • Vibra: strong need for emotional freedom, being your own person and thinking outside the box

  • Journal Prompt: How can you be your own person without conforming to external expectations? What aspects of your individuality have you perhaps set aside and now want to reclaim?

February 24: Full Moon in Virgo, a.k.a the Snow Moon

  • Vibra: getting practical about our self-care and paying attention to details in our daily lives

  • Journal Prompt: Do a deep dive on the details of your daily life that often go unnoticed. What aspects have you set aside that you want to reclaim so you can be more present?


March 10: New Moon in Pisces

  • Vibra: listening to your intuition, spiritual exploration, connecting with unseen realms, and finding creative outlets 

  • Journal Prompt: Reflect on at least one moment in the past when you remember listening or not listening to your intuition. What aspects of your intuition have been neglected and need nurturing?

 March 25: Full Moon in Libra, a.k.a. the Worm Moon

  • Vibra: focus on relationships, tap into your social energy, and finding balance now that Spring is here

  • Journal Prompt: Who are the top 5 people in your corner? Think of family or friends who you trust with your spiritual and emotional growth.